Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems
Lite Transport Securing Systems

Lite Transport Securing Systems

for bikes up to 200 kg with hollow axles

Art. No. 10057900

Ingen bedømmelser endnu.

708,57 kr. 1

Lite Transport Securing Systems for bikes up to 200 kg with hollow axles

Do you want to transport your ‘light’ bike with hollow axles? The patented AXfix *lite* transport securing system is the practical solution for such motorcycles up to 200 kg (kerb weight, ready to ride). When using this system, important parts of the motorcycle are relieved and significantly less loaded (suspension, handlebars).
For the AXfix *lite*, the hollow axles (front and rear wheel) should have an inner diameter of at least 7 mm.

Tip: for even more safety when transporting your bike, we recommend using a wheel steady stand (see compatible products)
  • 7 mm Ø stable, robust axle made of rust-free special steel, for hollow axles with a minimum 7.2 mm Ø through-hole
  • hardened clamping cones, black oxidised
  • handles made of high-performance plastic
  • for motorcycles with hollow axles up to a total weight of 200 kg
  • No need to attach to the handlebars, fairing, etc.
  • Stable and secure, can be attached at any angle up to 0° (completely vertical)
  • Precise fit and high-quality workmanship
  • Quick to attach (tensioning straps are not included, see compatible products
  • Relieves the load on the motorcycle's suspension

Available versions:
  • LC-260 short: Application length for hollow axles with a length of 150 mm to 280 mm and a minimum bore diameter of 7.2 mm
  • LC-261 medium: Application length for hollow axles with a length of 170 mm to 300 mm and a minimum bore diameter of 7.2 mm
  • LC-262 long: Application length for hollow axles with a length of 240 mm to 350 mm and a minimum bore diameter of 7.2 mm
1 x AXfix *lite* transport system consisting of:
  • axle
  • two clamping cones
Manufacturer: Rock Oil Vertriebsges. mbH | Bahnstrasse 90 | 55239 Gau-Odernheim | Germany | +49 67 33 / 20 59 470 | |
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