Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder
Moto Ii Holder

Moto Ii Holder


Art. No. 10077710

1 Kundeanmeldelse

410,37 kr. 1


This is the Beeline *Moto II* charging insert. It allows you to conveniently charge your *Moto II* navigation device while driving. To install, the original insert is removed from the handlebar holder (or any other holder except universal) and replaced with the charging insert. Contact with the underside of the navigation device is then established via pogo pins. Corrosion at the contacts is impossible due to the design. The charging insert can be installed with the cable outlet on either the top or bottom. The cables are connected to the motorcycle battery with ring terminals for the power supply. A rectifier chip in the *Moto II* charging insert allows both contacts to accept positive or negative charging.

  • Easy installation
  • Direct connection to the 12 V battery terminals
  • Adjustable orientation with cable outlet at top or bottom
  • Weatherproof, sealed construction with replaceable contact pins
  • Automatic power cut-off to prevent dead batteries
  • 1 x Beeline *Moto II* charging insert
  • Extended screws for mounting
  • 2 m battery connection cable, 12 V
  • 2 x cable ties
DPA Registreringsnummer: CVR 301232547
Kundeanmeldelse (1)
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