Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC
Dry Long Socks, MC

Dry Long Socks, MC


Art. No. 219937

Ingen bedømmelser endnu.

238,80 kr. 1

Dry Long Socks, MC Sokker

The Dry Long Socks are the long version of the Dainese Dry Socks. They are breathable, perfectly ergonomic and ensure proper thermoregulation in mild weather.
Thanks to the use of water-repellent Dryarn fabric, Dry Socks optimally regulate perspiration and always keep the body dry for guaranteed freshness and comfort.

  • Ankle support for greater comfort and riding precision.
  • Compression lines to support the muscles: lower vibrations and optimize blood circulation
  • Footbed compression for increased blood circulation
  • Grip on the bottom of the foot to prevent slipping in the shoe
  • Ventilated mesh panel on the back of the foot: optimization of thermoregulation and breathability
  • Made in Italy
Manufacturer: Dainese S.p.A. | Via Louvigny, 35 | 36064 Colceresa | Italien | info@dainese.com
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