Fork Rebuild Kits
Fork Rebuild Kits
All Balls Racing

Fork Rebuild Kits

ABR 38-6086

Art. No. 10057106

3 Kundeanmeldelser

Find din motorcykel:
VUP 477,53 kr. 2
425,29 kr. 1

Fork Rebuild Kits ABR 38-6086

The good news for anyone who wants or needs to take a close look at the front fork of their motorbike. There are many reasons: perhaps the suspension has changed for the worse, or it's in need for an age-related "overhaul", or you want to rebuild it, or, or, or. Whatever the reason: All-Balls Racing offers fork repair and overhaul kits that contain all the necessary fork bushings, slider bushings, sealing washers, O-rings, circlips etc. for the respective fork. Only the specific oil seals and dust caps required for your fork are not included (please order separately, see compatible products).
Every All-Balls Racing bushing is bench tested to 500,000 strokes with significantly less wear than OEM bushings.
  • Complete fork repair and overhaul kits
  • all necessary fork bushings, slider bushings, sealing washers, O-rings, circlips etc. for the respective fork included
  • Supplied without oil seals and dust caps (please order separately, see compatible products)
Kundeanmeldelser (3)
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