HD Genuine magnet set
HD Genuine magnet set
HD Genuine magnet set
HD Genuine magnet set

HD Genuine magnet set


Art. No. 10057228

Ingen bedømmelser endnu.

74,26 kr. 1

HD Genuine magnet set 9 DELE, INKL. GAVEÆSKE

The metal door of a fridge is an ideal magnetic pinboard. After all, almost every home has a fridge like this and everyone needs to pin a piece of paper, a mental note, a postcard, a schedule, a photo, a note or a newspaper clipping or something similar somewhere. And everyone goes into the kitchen and looks at it. What is often missing are attractive magnets that hold and also look decorative. Just like the HD Genuine magnet set.
The 9-piece magnet set with a high-quality glossy surface and various retro motifs comes with a practical gift box (70 x 93 x 20 mm). Full-surface force magnets on the back ensure that even multiple notes remain firmly in place. Also suitable for a magnetic board in the office, clubhouse or on a metal shelf in the workshop.
Manufacturer: Nostalgic-Art Merchandising GmbH | Am Borsigturm 156 | 13507 Berlin | Germany | +49 3030647000 | info@nostalgic-art.de | www.nostalgic-art.de
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