Vigtige henvisninger
RIDE, the travel magazine for motorcyclists, has produced and prepared twelve exciting day tours throughout Croatia exclusively for its readers. Croatia offers an enormous variety and highly exciting routes between the beautiful coastal landscapes of the Adriatic and the mountainous hinterland. In addition to panoramic winding roads, there are legal gravel roads and original villages with warm, helpful people. The RIDE routes are also spiced up with island crossings, spectacular lakes and rivers, towns steeped in history including museums, churches and regional traditions. There are also selected cultural, hotel and restaurant tips, information from insiders and exciting background stories, e.g. on the filming locations of western movies.
- Folding maps and links to GPS downloads make it easier for RIDE readers to plan enjoyable tours through the wonderful travel destination of Croatia. Also in RIDE 21: bikes suitable for touring, accessories in check, a Germany tour tip in northern Hesse, a dream tour through Yunnan in China and numerous other suggestions for being on the road with a motorcycle.
- Lifestyle bookazine with experience guarantee, folding map and GPS download
- 150 pages
- 300 pictures
- Format (WxH in mm) 215x280
Manufacturer: P. Pietsch Verlage Gmbh & Co. KG | Industriestrasse 23 | 70178 Stuttgart | Germany | +49 711210800 | verlag@motorbuch.de | www.paul-pietsch-verlage.de
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