Underdog V.24 Sort
Underdog V.24 Sort
Underdog V.24 Sort
Underdog V.24 Sort

Underdog V.24 Sort


Art. No. 218885

4 Kundeanmeldelser

VUP 1.193,93 kr. 2
880,51 kr. 1

Underdog V.24 Sort Protector-jakke

Riding fun meets safety - the new UNDERDOG V.24 protector jacket from O'NEAL
Reliable protection on the bike doesn't mean you have to limit yourself: the best gear provides optimum protection in the event of a fall and at the same time ensures a cool look and fun on the bike - like our O'NEAL UNDERDOG V.24 PROTECTOR JACKET.

  • Made from heavy-duty plastic elements for optimized protection of shoulders, elbows, forearms and back.
  • The removable and flexible IPX Soft back protector not only guarantees maximum protection, but also plenty of freedom of movement.
  • Generous use of flexible mesh materials help to keep you cool while riding.
  • Adjustable stretch straps allow the jacket to be ideally sized as required.
  • Width-adjustable, integrated kidney belt with Velcro fastener
  • Neck brace compatible
  • Certified to EN1621-1 for shoulders and elbows, as well as EN1621-2 for the back and EN-1621-3 for the chest area with increased protection for level 2
  • 35% polypropylene, 32% polyethylene, 23% polyester, 8% ethylene vinyl acetate, 2% other
Manufacturer: O'NEAL Europe GmbH & Co. KG | Erich-Blum-Str. 33 | 71665 Vaihingen/Enz | Deutschland | info@oneal-europe.com
Kundeanmeldelser (4)
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