


Art. No. 10056123

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VUP 193,96 kr. 2
141,72 kr. 1

Fender 8574200001

From Polisport come many high quality plastic attachments for some of the leading motorcycle brands. Here, for example, front "fenders" or mudguards that are made with Polisport's exclusive technology.
are manufactured. They are particularly durable due to resistant plastic and have good flexibility, so they can be extraordinarily challenged even in tough off-road use.
In addition, the glossy surfaces and colors of the Polisport fenders look very good and
stand your dirt bike just great.
Manufacturer: POLISPORT PLÀSTICOS S.A. | Avenida Ferreida De Castro 818 | 3720-024 Carregosa | Portugal | +35 1256410230 | polisport@polisport.com | www.polisport.com

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