Adapter for light unit indicator, pair
Adapter for light unit indicator, pair
Adapter for light unit indicator, pair
Adapter for light unit indicator, pair
Adapter for light unit indicator, pair
Adapter for light unit indicator, pair

Adapter for light unit indicator, pair


Art. No. 10057820

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Adapter for light unit indicator, pair UNIT BLINKER

Rizoma has developed the *Multifit FR444B* mounting kit to attach Rizoma *Light Unit* indicators to your motorbike without much effort. The kit consists of two aluminium brackets/adapters which hold the indicators. The *Light Unit* indicators are attached to the holders with anodised aluminium clamping nuts. Use special double-sided 3M adhesive tape to bond the *Multifit FR444B* directly to the fairing. A cleaning kit is supplied to optimally prepare the surface of the panelling for this installation.
  • Material: anodised aluminium
  • two adapters/brackets
  • two clamping nuts
  • 3 M double-sided adhesive tape (type VHB 4941)
  • a surface cleaning kit (a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol and a primer pen)

Good to know:
  • for a professional and correct installation, Rizoma recommends carefully following the instructions provided, following the schedule and the phases described.
  • for front indicators on motorbikes with fairing, Rizoma recommends installation on the inside of the fairing (wheel arch), making sure that the indicators do not touch the wheel.

Attention: The mounting kit *Multifit FR444B* is only compatible with the Rizoma indicators *Light Unit*.

Scope of delivery:
1 x Rizoma *Multifit FR444B* mounting kit
Manufacturer: Rizoma Srl | Via Quarto 30/32/34 | 21010 Ferno | Italy | +39 0331242020 | |
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