Mounting kit f. Rizoma compensation res.
Mounting kit f. Rizoma compensation res.
Mounting kit f. Rizoma compensation res.
Mounting kit f. Rizoma compensation res.

Mounting kit f. Rizoma compensation res.


Art. No. 10057815

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358,20 kr. 1

Mounting kit f. Rizoma compensation res. UDLIGNINGSBEHOLDER CT451B

There are a number of mounting kits and adapters for Rizoma expansion tanks. If you want to replace your OEM expansion tank with a Rizoma one, these mounting kits are always the best solution.
You can find out which mounting kit to use under "matching items".
  • Rizoma mounting kit *CT450*
    Material: aluminum, with one joint
  • Mounting kit Rizoma *CT451*
    Material: aluminum, with two joints
  • Mounting kit Rizoma *CT453*
    the kit contains: plate, small parts for the assembly and the container connection line
  • Mounting kit Rizoma *CT454*
    the kit contains: plate and small parts for the assembly
All mounting kits are incompatible with the CT015, CT017 and CT115 expansion tanks.
Manufacturer: Rizoma Srl | Via Quarto 30/32/34 | 21010 Ferno | Italy | +39 0331242020 | |

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