Anti-Rain incl. microfiber cloth
Anti-Rain incl. microfiber cloth
Anti-Rain incl. microfiber cloth
Anti-Rain incl. microfiber cloth

Anti-Rain incl. microfiber cloth

Art. No. 10080268

Ingen bedømmelser endnu.

111,87 kr. 1

Anti-Rain incl. microfiber cloth

Product features:
- Forms a protective layer that allows raindrops to roll off easily
- No streaks or glare film
- Always creates a clear view for safe driving
- Safe on all materials on the helmet and visor
- Long-lasting effect

- Delivery incl. practical microfiber cloth

Areas of application:
- Outside of visors, motorcycle goggles and windshields
- Also suitable for photochromatic, self-tinting visors

Spray S100 Anti-Rain onto the outside of the cleaned visor and spread with the enclosed microfiber cloth.
Allow to evaporate for approx. one minute and then wipe again.
Manufacturer: Dr. O.K. Wack Chemie GmbH | Untere Au 9 | 85107 Baar-Ebenhausen | Germany | +49 8453 41995100 | |
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