Extension set for Sport hand guards
Extension set for Sport hand guards
Extension set for Sport hand guards
Extension set for Sport hand guards

Extension set for Sport hand guards


Art. No. 10071591

Ingen bedømmelser endnu.

149,25 kr. 1

Extension set for Sport hand guards TIL SPORT-HÅNDBESKYTTERE

SW-Motech extension set for Sport hand guards

This extension made of impact-resistant plastic allows you to increase the protective area of Sport handguards. The extension is attached to the top edge of the handguard shells with two screws. It blends in seamlessly and offers your hands more protection from wind and the elements.
  • Extension for existing Sport handguard shells
  • Slim design with sporty look
  • Impact-resistant polypropylene plastic protects against wind and weather
  • Easy mounting to the Sport hand protector shells due to precise fit design

Included in delivery
  • Extension set for Sport handguards
  • Mounting instructions
  • Mounting material
  • Material: Plastic
  • Color: black
  • Total Weight: appr. 0,1 kg / appr. 0.2 lb
Not compatible with KOBRA, BBSTORM or Adventure handguard shells.
Manufacturer: SW-Motech GmbH & Co. KG | Ernteweg 7-10 | 35282 Rauschenberg | Germany | +49 64258168050 | info@sw-motech.com | www.sw-motech.com
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