Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps
Hand Guards Vps

Hand Guards Vps

Art. No. 10071740

Ingen bedømmelser endnu.

fra 970,13 kr. 1

Hand Guards Vps

Barkbusters VPS hand protector kit

VPS hand protectors are suitable for use in the following areas: Enduro, supermoto and adventure bikes. They can be mounted in various positions. Adjustable plastic shells for better wind protection. Also for models with long shift and brake levers. Available in various colors.

The hand protector kit contains the plastic shells, the matching aluminum frames and the mounting material.
Can be mounted in various positions.
Manufacturer: SW-Motech GmbH & Co. KG | Ernteweg 7-10 | 35282 Rauschenberg | Germany | +49 64258168050 | info@sw-motech.com | www.sw-motech.com
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