Hilo Holeshot Kit
Hilo Holeshot Kit

Hilo Holeshot Kit

Art. No. 10058885

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VUP 835,73 kr. 2
746,18 kr. 1

Hilo Holeshot Kit

Of course, even in motocross, the lap times in the various racing series often only differ by a few hundredths of a second. The factory teams therefore pay particular attention to working out the perfect start. A lot of time and effort is invested in this. The XTRIG *HiLo Holeshot* is an indispensable aid for the rider. With its help, the fork is preloaded before the start and the front wheel is prevented from rising due to the low center of gravity. The precise manufacture of the XTRIG *HiLo Holeshot* kit, 59 mm for various motorcycles, guarantees its safe function and an ideal hold of the clamp on the fork. A release button with two engagement positions 12 mm apart for different grip conditions and corresponding practice and training - that's the way to a first-class start.
patented Holeshot system, developed in close cooperation with the factory teams
Material: aluminum, CNC-milled
Scope of delivery:
1 x XTRIG *HiLo Holeshot*
Manufacturer: Xtrig GmbH Racing Technology | Gröben 1 | 83367 Petting | Deutschland | +49 86 86 91 99 405 | info@xtrig.com | www.xtrig.de
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