Alligator Textile Jacket
Alligator Textile Jacket
Alligator Textile Jacket
Alligator Textile Jacket

Alligator Textile Jacket

Art. No. 508071

Ingen bedømmelser endnu.

VUP 2.385,92 kr. 2
745,66 kr. 1

Alligator Textile Jacket

Whether off-road or on-road, Alligator Tex is the ideal motorcycle jacket to wear both when it first gets cold and on hotter days.

  • protective and abrasion-resistant, made of water-repellent fabric
  • removable sleeves
  • well ventilated by 7 air inlets
  • abrasion resistant due to 3D-Stone fabric inserts on elbows
  • width adjustment at waist, sleeves and underarm
  • waist adjustment with drawstring
  • 1 cargo pocket at the back
  • 4 outside pockets in front

  • Certified according to prEN 17092-4:2017 class A
  • Includes removable composite protectors on elbows and shoulders
  • Pocket for G1 and G2 back protector
  • Pockets for Pro-Armor chest 2 parts
  • Optional: back protector (218825) and chest protector (20019096) can be retrofitted

  • Outer material: 100% Nylon
  • Inner material: 100% Polyester
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