inReach® Mini 2
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inReach® Mini 2 PROBIKER PR-05
Good news for all globetrotters, extreme "tour-ists", desert crossers and motorbike hikers! With the *inReach Mini 2*, Garmin has the official satellite communication device in its range that puts the connection to the whole world in your hands. And it does it completely without a mobile phone network! The device is only 4 inches x 2 inches (approx. 10.16 x 5.8 cm) in size and weighs approx. 100 g. It is robust, resistant, shockproof (MIL-STD-810) and waterproof according to IPX7. The integrated lithium-ion battery has a runtime of up to 14 days in standard mode with 10-minute tracking. In energy-saving mode, the battery even manages up to 30 days. The compact and lightweight Garmin *inReach Mini 2* satellite communication device makes it easy to reach your home even in remote areas.
Enjoy your adventures big and small anywhere, carefree and stay connected.
- TWO-WAY MESSAGING Thanks to two-way communication, you can stay in touch with your loved ones from anywhere in the world.
- GLOBAL SATELLITE NETWORK In areas without cellular coverage, the Iridium satellite network lets you send and receive messages and make SOS distress calls anywhere in the world. (An active satellite subscription is required to access the Iridium network and communicate with the Garmin *inReach Mini 2*. Either 1 year contract or on a monthly basis).
- GET HELP BY SOS BUTTON In an emergency, send an interactive SOS message to the Garmin IERCC, a 24/7 global monitoring and rescue centre.
- SHARE YOUR CURRENT POSITION Share your ride with friends and loved ones. Share your position in real time via MapShare or send your coordinates with a text message.
- CURRENT WEATHER Get detailed weather updates on yourGamin *inReach Mini 2* or other paired compatible device. You can even request forecasts for your current location and other waypoints or destinations on your route.
- UNLIMITED CLOUD STORAGE Get free access to the cloud-based Garmin Explore website to plan trips, create message templates and instant messages, sync and manage device settings, and more.
- GARMIN EXPLORE APP Sync your device to the Garmin Explore website or mobile app on your compatible smartphone and use navigation features, waypoints, tracks, activities and collections. Also get access to route planning and topographic maps.
- COOPERATE WITH OTHER GARMIN DEVICES Operate the inReach Mini 2 wirelessly to send and receive messages with compatible Garmin handsets, wearables or other mobile devices, start and stop tracking and trigger an interactive SOS emergency call.
- GARMIN MESSENGER APP Download the Garmin Messenger app to your compatible smartphone and pair it with your *inReach Mini 2*. You can send messages quickly and conveniently, as well as make an SOS emergency call 24/7. You are not tied to mobile phone coverage. The app also supports group messaging.
- GARMIN PILOT APP Connect to the Garmin Pilot app to easily send and receive text messages in the cockpit - even without cellular coverage. The app can use features of the *inReach Mini 2* such as GPS position and position sharing for your flight.
- ROBUST TRACBACK-ROUTING With TracBack routing, you can't get lost. Your device will guide you back the way you came.
- DIGITAL COMPASS Get precise heading information even when you're not moving. You'll never lose your bearings.
Garmin er en globale markedsførende virksomhed inden for mobile navigationsenheder og en af de mest erfarne producenter inden for GPS-teknologi. Garmin har udviklet zumo-serien specielt til motorcykelførere: Disse GPS til motorcykler kan bogstaveligt talt betjenes med venstre hånd (og med handsker) og holder let stand mod snavs og fugt. Hvad der desuden er endnu vigtigere på motorcyklen er, at med Garmin zumo kan enhver tur let planlægges. Garmin-navigationsenheder viser på enhver måde vejen.
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