


Art. No. 10039626

Ingen bedømmelser endnu.

VUP 447,68 kr. 2
298,43 kr. 1

-Styrendespejl PISA, VENSTRE EL. HØJRE

gazzini handlebar end mirror in stealth look
  • Material: forged aluminium & CNC-milled
  • Mirror glass: light grey-tinted for optimal glare protection
  • Stainless steel ball joint
  • Dimensions in mm (see dimension sketch): a= 85, b=110, c= 230, d= 85
  • Mounting: clamp for attachment to the end of the handlebar, including reducing sleeves for attachment to handlebars
  • E-approved
  • for left or right
  • Black
  • Delivery per piece
Please also note the installation instructions under the Documents tab.

If it is difficult to adjust the mirrors to the correct position after mounting on the motocycle, please spray the ball joint in the mirror housing briefly with a multifunction oil (e.g. WD-40).
Manufacturer: Detlev Louis Motorrad-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH | Rungedamm 35 | 21035 Hamburg | Germany | Tel. 00 49 (0) 40 – 734 193 60 | service@louis.de | www.louis.de
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