Pliers-Set 2-Pieces
Pliers-Set 2-Pieces

Pliers-Set 2-Pieces

2 DELE S 8394 JC

Art. No. 50001340

9 Kundeanmeldelser

VUP 434,40 kr. 2
186,49 kr. 1

Pliers-Set 2-Pieces 2 DELE S 8394 JC

There are some tools that should be in every toolbox and every motorcycle workshop. And they're also invaluable for emergency repairs when touring on your motorbike. We're talking about the high-leverage combination pliers and side cutters from Gedore. You can always rely completely on these two high-quality tools - for gripping, cutting, and loosening bolts etc.

  • High-leverage combination pliers. This tool gives you maximum leverage at the cutting surface for easy wire cutting, even including piano wire. The convex shape of the handles ensures high and uniform leverage. Please note the Best Cutting Power marking, which indicates the optimal cutting point. In addition, the slim head of these pliers makes them ideal for gripping or loosening parts where space is restricted.
  • High-leverage side cutters, Swedish model. If control cables, for example, prove too tough for the high-leverage combination pliers, you should try this tool instead. The job will be done in an instant. Like all cutting pliers from Gedore, these side cutters feature BCP = Best Cutting Power, i.e. the optimal cutting position which fully utilises the force applied is indicated on the head of the cutters.

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