Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock
Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock
Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock
Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock
Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock
Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock
Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock
Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock
Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock
Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock

Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock

Art. No. 10099004

Ingen bedømmelser endnu.

fra 2.955,15 kr. 1

Topcase Trekker EVO 42L without Lock

Givi aluminium top case Trekker Outback Evo 42 Monokey
in black (10099004) or silver (10099005)

Givi top case with a volume of 42L, made entirely of aluminium and with the MONOKEY® fastening system. Suitable for 1 helmet, shockproof and waterproof.

Max. Load: 10 kg
Volume: approx. 42 litres
Dimensions WxHxD: approx. 44 x 32.5 x 45.6 cm

Please note that the top case cannot be attached to plates that are fitted with a contact for the brake light kit.

Locking cylinder 10072372 (1x set) must be purchased separately. If simultaneous locking with side cases is required, please order item 10072386 (2x set), 10072387 (3x) or 10072388 (5x).
Manufacturer: GIVI Deutschland GmbH | Ernst-Sachs-Str. 26 | 90441 Nürnberg | Germany | +49 9119551022 | |
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