Vigtige henvisninger
The Rizoma *Light Unit S* 3-in-1 indicators with technopolymer holder kit give your motorbike a mega exciting look. As an indicator, rear light and brake light in a small housing, the motorbike view from the rear is spectacular. Despite their small size, the Rizoma *Light Unit S* are inspiringly bright thanks to outstanding and innovative SMD LED technology. The *Light Unit S* is one of the smallest, road-approved options in its category and fulfils the European approval standards (E-approved). The Rizoma *FR440B* technopolymer bracket kit is the stylish mount for the *Light Unit S*. Once the bracket has been fitted and connected, insert the indicator unit into the bracket and screw both together using the enclosed spanner.
Mounting options:
- on the OEM mounts with Rizoma mounting kit and the technopolymer holders *FR440B*
- on Rizoma licence plate holders: with indicator mounting kits and the separately available technopolymer holder *FR440B*
- Fitting the *Light Unit S* indicators in the rear configuration always requires special wiring. In order to install the Rizoma indicators correctly on your motorbike, special cable sets are required (see matching articles).
- matt black anodised
- SMD LED technology
- Functions: indicator (12 V - 1.1 W) / tail light (12 V - 0.5 W) / brake light (12 V - 0.9 W)
- including standard resistor (10 W / 15 Ω per piece)
- including Rizoma *FR440B* technopolymer holder
- Thread: M8
- only for rear
- E-approved
Please note:
- The Rizoma *Light Unit S* 3-in-1 multifunction indicators may only be installed in cases where:
- Rizoma has developed a licence plate holder with a specific cable set so that the OEM rear light can be removed by installing the multifunction indicators
- or, if the motorbike is equipped with multifunction indicators as standard and Rizoma has developed a specific cable set.
- the Rizoma indicators are supplied with standard resistors (10 W / 15 Ω each). To avoid error messages appearing in the cockpit of some motorbikes (only for BMW R nine T models from 2017), it is advisable to use Rizoma resistors *EE149H* (3 W / 38 Ω), as the resistors supplied are incompatible
- The wiring kit is required for indicator installation (see matching article)
2 x Rizoma *Light Unit S* indicators
2 x Rizoma *FR440B* technopolymer holder
2 x standard resistor (10 W / 15 Ω per piece)
1 x spanner
Manufacturer: Rizoma Srl | Via Quarto 30/32/34 | 21010 Ferno | Italy | +39 0331242020 | info@rizoma.com | www.rizoma.com
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Fordyb dig i Rizomas verden, hvor design og funktionalitet mødes. Eksklusive produkter kombinerer italiensk design med topmoderne teknologi og sætter nye standarder for stil og ydeevne. Hvert stykke er et mesterværk, der er fremstillet med den største præcision og sans for detaljer. Rizoma tager dig og din motorcykel til et nyt niveau - det står for kvalitet, innovation og uovertruffen æstetik. Oplev kollektionen nu, og tag din rideoplevelse til det næste niveau. Oplev den eksklusivitet, som kun Rizoma kan tilbyde, og nyd det umiskendelige design, der skiller dig ud.
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